Bargains are in store for those who will shop early. Philadelphia merchants are busy getting merchandise ready for Philadelphia Dollar Days Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The assembly will be in the Philadelphia High School auditorium, and the starting hour is 7:00 o'clock. Nell Wilcoxen, of Phoenix, Arizona, National Classroom Teacher president speak to them at their Nov.
The County Teachers Association will have Mrs. Neshoba County has not yet reached its quota in the National War Fund drive now in progress, but if all committees will work hard, and if citizens will respond with reasonableness, the quota will be reached by Saturday night, Pete DeWeese, county chairman, predicted Wednesday.įour Mississippi county agents will be presented certificates for the Distinguished Service Award of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, today in Jackson during the annual meeting of Mississippi county agents and home demonstration agents. Marine Corps, which is being celebrated with dignity and feeling throughout the world. Prince of this city today issues a proclamation calling upon all citizens of Philadelphia and the area surrounding to join in the observance of the 168th birthday of the U.S.